Blooming Here. Living Now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Not Perfect

Our two oldest kids heard their dad share his testimony from the pulpit for the first time this morning. I'd wondered how we were going to navigate sharing the facts that their daddy's history involved heavy drinking, drugs, and even an attempt to end his own life. I like to stage such opportunities, but it never quite goes as I envision. Well, they heard it all this morning. He talked over some of their questions afterwards. My daughter seemed befuddled by the fact that a pastor could have done all that! Of course, he wasn't a pastor then, but still. Her last comment was, "And I'd thought the Crawfords were perfect!" It took me more than 7 years of life to realize that my own family wasn't perfect either. I chuckled and said, no, we are not. There is not a perfect person on earth. I wish I'd added, "Not perfect. But no less loved."
As parents, it's tricky to know how much to reveal about your own background and struggles with the children you are entrusted with. I'm hoping we have just opened a conversation with the kids that we will be able to explore more over time.


Caroline Starr Rose said...

It's so important, especially those of us in a pastor's family, to remind children of our own imperfections. The gospel is for the flawed, and we need to remember that (and tell our children this) always.

Hope all is well!

Elana said...

Yay for another entry! :) I love reading your thoughts, sis! :) xoxoxox