Blooming Here. Living Now.

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Life Live

I have really been enjoying listening to the call-in radio show which offers Christian counseling to those wrestling with life's issues, called "New Life Live" with Steve Arterburn. On the show they recommended a book called, Changes that Heal, by Henry Cloud. While looking inside the book on Amazon, I read this quote, and wanted to share it. It addresses the tension I often feel between developing a healthy sense of self, and being willing to lay down that self. Here is what I read:

"We were made to love and the fully functioning person is one who takes his bonded, separate, forgiving, adult self into a world and denies that self for the sake of others. We have seen how this does not mean being without a person inside; it means having such a full one that it can be imparted to others."
Henry Cloud


Julie Little said...

This really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing it--I read it at exactly the right time.

Anonymous said...

Profound. I write down H. Cloud's line. Françoise