Blooming Here. Living Now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Interesting Article

I just read an interesting article from Psychology Today ( I followed the links from my favorite counseling radio show, New Life Live's site) by Jeremy Sherman. He talks about the kinds of people we surround ourself with, and how some of those can help launch us forward when we are taking a risk or making a life change. What he had to say about the comparisons we make especially interested me.

People say "don't compare yourself to others" and even "don't compete," and yet I've never met anyone who didn't do both, especially when they're out on a limb. It's easier not to compete when you're settled in a satisfying comfort zone. When you're trying to build a new comfort zone, it's more important to manage your comparisons and competitions.

Within the limits of your power to pick the company you keep, you have the power to make your transition feel easier. Minimize the company that erodes your resolve, maximize the company that affirms it. Mark your progress against others, using the more advanced as inspiration and the less advanced as affirming evidence that you're making progress.

"Managing your comparisons and competitions," sounds promising. They needn't all be negative or demoralizing, but when managed could actually spur me onward towards new goals.

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